Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Birth of Khalsa
By Dilsherjit Singh

What is Vaisakhi? Vaisakhi signifies when the new month of Vasakh rises. Also it signifies when the season of harvesting begins. In the calendars we use Vaisakhi is usually on April 13 or 14. Most importantly Vaisakhi is the birth of Khalsa. In the following paragraphs I will be telling you about, how the Ten Gurus contributed towards Sikhism, the birth of Khalsa, and how we celebrate Vaisakhi.

“Ik Onkar”, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that “God is one”. However, prior to this everyone has their own ways of worshipping. We Sikhs just believe in one God. Our second Guru said “Kirt Kani, Nam Japna and Vand Ke Shakna”. Kirt Karni means don’t lie, cheat, and steal. Work truthfully. Nam Japna means God’s name throughout the day. Vand Ke Shakna means, share and eat. Just like the saying “Sharing is caring”. Our third Guru, made it very important to sit on the floor and eat. “Sangat and Pangat”. This is to show that everyone one is equal, and that there is no superior or inferior. The fourth Guru, assigned Sikhs the duty of preaching Sikhism around the world even in the deepest corners. Our fifth Guru, told Saint Mian Mir to lay the foundation of the Harminder Sahib, located in Amritsar. Our ninth Guru, Shri Tegh Bahadur Ji stood up for the rightsof Hindus and Sikhs. One day someone came and told Guru Ji that Aurungzeb is forcing everyone to convert to Islam. Guru Ji told at the time “If you can convert me to tbecome Islam, everyone will convert and become Islam”. Aurungzeb thought it was a piece of cake, but it wasn’t. Guru Ji said that “We are Sikhs and will never change”. At the end Aurungzeb beheaded Guru Ji.

The birth of Khalsa. On March 30, 1699 Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji called all the followers to Anandpur Sahib. There was a platform and a tent set up. After Asa Ji De Var, Guru Ji came out of the tent holding a Kirpan (sword). He gave a heartfelt speech to gather support. At the end he said “My sword is thirsty for the blood od a Sikh, is there anyone willing to sacrifice himself for me?” No one said anything. He called out 2 more times, finally one person stood up. Bhai Daya Singh Ji. Guru Ji brought him into the tent, as he seated him he chopped Bhai Dhaya Singh Ji’s head of. Everyone was scared because Guru Ji just killed someone. He came out with the bloody sword and called out again. Bhai Dharam Singh Ji stood up and followed Guru Ji. Guru Ji did the same thing. He did the same thing for Bhai Himat Singh Ji, Bhai Mukham Singh, and Bhai Sahib Singh Ji. Guru Ji chopped all their heads of, but with the power of Akal Purkh he put them back together. When they all came out the tent the followers were all shocked, because everyone was okay. Also everyone was wearing a turban and a yellow-orange couloured kurta. Guru Ji called these five men the “Panj Pyare”, the “Beloved Five” in other words. In a big pot there was water and “Pitase”. A sweet parshadh. While praying Guru Ji was stirring this water with a sword. The sword was called “Khanda Sahib”. This water soon became a Holy Water called Amrit. Guru Ji gave this Amrit from the same bowl to the Panj Pyare. This showed that we are all equal. Then Guru Ji begged the Panj Pyare to give Amrit also. After that, Guru Ji gave every male the surname of Singh (lion) and to females the surname Kaur (princess). Guru Ji changed his name from Gobind Rai to Gobind Singh. Even the Panj Pyare changed their names from Chand and Ram to Singh. Guru Ji successfully created the Khalsa Panth. He gave Sikhs the five K’s. “Kesh, Kanga, Kara, Kirpan, Keshera”. This was to be kept by Sikhs at all times. Guru Ji was a poetic writer which he wrote the “Dasam Granth”. This is how Khalsa was born.

We celebrate Vaisakhi in many ways. In India or even here people have parties where they do Giddha and Bhangra. In India the start of the harvest wheat. Her we have people doing Kirtan in Gurughar’s. Me personally, I just like to go to the Gurdwara and listen to the Kirtan and do any type of Sewa.

To conclude, in the generations of the Gurus Sikhism was very strong. People would talk about it. But now when the world is very multicultural no one tries to tell people about Sikhism. So was this just the Guru’s job?

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